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2023 ¹2 | |
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AbstractsA.V. Gorelik, A.N. Malykh, G.G. Kurasheva, T.S. Shchedrina
The article considers the goals of the development of the automation and telemechanics sector of JSC "Russian Railways"; it formulates an optimization task for a reasonable choice of measures in the structural divisions; and it argues the transition to targeted spending of funds when choosing the category of maintenance and repair of railway automation and telemechanics systems.
M.Yu. Chalova, P.A. Grigoriev
The paper considers the necessity to develop the modern models of the existing ballast cleaning machines due to the gross wear. The new models might ensure the greatest energy efficiency in the performance. At present, the design of ballast cutting machines does not take into account a number of parameters significantly reducing their actual production, and they are required to modify.
A.S. Kosmodamiansky, V.I. Vorobyov, O.V. Izmerov, S.O. Kopylov, E.V. Nikolaev
The authors consider the search problem for solutions of the replacement of M62 and 2M62 diesel locomotives. As a result of the analysis, a promising diesel locomotive was selected for replacement, and the authors propose to create on its basis a number of diesel locomotives for passenger and freight traffic, as well as measures to modernize the crew part of the diesel locomotive and its components. Four utility model patents have been obtained for the solutions proposed by the authors on the article issue.
S.P. Vakulenko, D.Yu. Romensky, A.D. Ershov, K.A. Kalinin
The authors consider the problem relevant for main railway lines - the problem of train numbering in the normative traffic schedule. The conditions for the distribution of the traffic volume depending on the destination are formulated for two ways of train operation (using fractional and non-fractional of the freight train schedule paths).
S.S. Maltsev
The authors analyses the domestic and foreign experience of automated synthesis of interdependencies in electric interlocking systems of main railways and underground railways. The features of the synthesis of interdependencies in the underground station systems of electric interlocking with the indication of the relevance of the problem solving of dependency construction automating in these systems are presented. The paper accentuates the relevance of the development of methods and algorithms for automating the synthesis of relay-contact circuits of metro station electric interlocking, even in the conditions of transition to microprocessor electric interlocking systems.
R.M. Mukhametshina, M.M. Makhmutov, S.M. Goryunova
The article presents the data of experimental study of creation way of rumble strip on roads by thermomechanical method. The rumble strips are increasingly used as an element of active road safety, and the proposed method of applying a rumble strip allows improving its performance, which determines the relevance of this research.
N.I. Beryakov, S.N. Beryakov
Based on the analysis of expert opinions on 40 railway bridges, the most frequently encountered solutions were identified, on the basis of which the estimated cost in the bridge construction changes. The authors have determined the position of each cost element to the sum total of withdrawn monetary resources. The ways to minimize this cost element have been obtained.
V.B. Karpukhin, G.M. Bilenko, A.A. Shatokhin, I.V. Simachkova
In the transport network of the non-optimal structure developed arbitrarily during the formation of junctions and the tracks connecting them, there is a problem of ensuring the continuity of the traffic flow. Cost-effective optimization of transport network capacity is needed. The article analyses the proposed methods and models for optimising the train capacity of the transport network.
D.I. Bodrikov, D.A. Akulov, R.S. Chubov, I.A. Rybkin, V.P. Smirnov
The authors have established the starting up and operation of the electric locomotive of the Eastern Polygon of Russian Railways after long-term holding at a low temperature in winter, with increased power, current and winding temperature due to the transition of bearings from rolling mode to sliding behaviour, with a multiple increase in power, loss of friction in the roller-ring contacts of the bearing cause intensive ageing of insulation. It is proposed to heat up the traction motors during the holding.
D.G. Evseev, R.S. Seleznev
The article considers the alternative ways of transporting containers, as a result of which the empty mileage can be minimized and the shortage of fitting platforms can be leveled, which will give the greatest economic effect for all participants in the freight transportation process.
S.P. Vakulenko, A.M. Nasybullin, L.R. Aisina
The article is a continuation of the series of publications on "Cold Express" and describes the problem of ensuring the implementation of freight operations with the train set driven by electric locomotives. Taking into account the existing experience, the authors propose a technology the arrival on the loading and unloading track is carried out by coasting regime (in the stopping regime) with the lowered current collectors.
E.S. Vlasova, M.L. Okulova, Yu.V. Zavyalova, M.V. Peskov
The authors have analysed the sub-processes of transportation activities in railway transport for 2021, and the increased risk zones of sub-processes were identified. The analysis was carried out and the dependence of the number of transport accidents on the profession and the length of service of employees was established, the causes of transport violations were determined.
O.Yu. Emelyanov, O.Yu. Krivich, I.K. Sergeev
The article provides a justification for increasing the carrying capacity of railway transport by introducing railway cars with elements made of composite materials. The technical and economic indicators of such car have been determined. The authors consider the issue of ensuring the operation safety of the lightweight cars. A numerical experiment was carried out to assess the danger of squeezing lightweight cars during braking.
A.N. Yashnov, M.G. Ryumin
To predict the state of artificial structures on railway transport, in which they will be in Nth years, it is necessary to implement the algorithm considered in the article. The paper shows how the probability model is calculated when the structure changes from one technical condition to another. The calculation was made for the metal bridge.
A.A. Taran, E.N. Taran, V.A. Bugreev, S.A. Morenko
The authors have analysed the directions and methods of monitoring of unmanned vessel technical systems, and the forecasting the behaviour of these systems. A system has been developed for ship equipment monitoring of an unmanned vessel and the predicting its condition based on the Elman recurrent neural network.
Yu.V. Dementieva, S.D. Tatarintsev
The article describes the procedure and results of a correlation study of the causes of accidents occurred at Russian Railways enterprises as a result of road traffic accidents. The hypothesis of the influence of traffic violations on the statistical indicators of industrial road traffic injuries has been confirmed. The authors note the significance of the obtained correlation relationships as very high.
N.P. Gelyukh, V.A. Aksyonov, A.V. Pashkov
The article presents the authors' view on the need to improve the tools for condition monitoring of the construction structures subjected to dynamic impacts, and to consider the systems for monitoring the stressed-deformed state of structures in real time operation mode to predict and prevent technogenic accidents and disasters.