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New issue 2024 ¹2

¹2 2024

2024 ¹2

Main subjects of the issue

  • Transport

  • Safety of human activity


Russian open academy of transport
Russian university
of transport

ISSN 2074-9325

The Journal is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC).

By the decision of the editorial board, scientific articles are assigned a unique code (EDN)

Full-text articles are available in Scientific electronic library.


The Journal is included in the List of Reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for publishing of basic scientific results of theses for the following groups of scientific specialties:

  • 2.1.1. Building structures, buildings and structures (technical sciences)

  • 2.1.8. Design and construction of roads, undergrounds, airfields, bridges and transport tunnels (technical sciences)

  • 2.1.16. Labour protection (technical sciences)

  • 2.3.1. System analysis, control and information processing (technical sciences)

  • 2.3.3. Automation and control of technological processes and productions (technical sciences)

  • 2.9.1. Transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, industrial engineering on transport (technical sciences)

  • 2.9.2. Railway track, railway survey and design (technical sciences)

  • 2.9.3. Railway rolling stock, train traction and electrification (technical sciences)

  • 2.9.4. Operation of transportation processes (technical sciences)

  • 2.9.8. Intelligent transport systems (technical sciences)