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2019 ¹4 | |
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AbstractsV.N. Alekseev, O.V. Golovina
In the article, the description of wave processes in a volume-elastic stratified medium is given using the transmitted, back and refracted wave potentials. The boundary conditions at the interface of media are considered. The wave reflection and refraction coefficients by the method of potentials were found.
Zh.M. Govorova, V.M. Medvedeva, E.N. Pirogov, V.A. Semenovyh
The authors generalized the prerequisites and relevance of the technology based on the application of water ozone treatment at the railway infrastructure. The results of implementation and efficient operation of block-modular water-purification plants ensuring drinking water quality are presented.
V.B. Karpukhin, G.M. Bilenko
In modern conditions, there is the problem of rational railway transport planning according to the criterion of obtaining the maximum profit by JSC "Russian Railways". The authors suggest the methodology of rational planning and optimal strategy selection of the freight based on the game problem-solving. The theoretical justification, the algorithm and the numerical illustration are given.
V.P. Sychev, A.A. Loktev, P.V. Sychev, V.V. Dudnik
It is proposed to create the unified interface for control of ballast unloading and laying processes and operative parts of the track machine providing the trackwork based on synchronization scheme selection of the track machine control drive and calculation of frequencies of resonance pressure oscillations in the frequency band of the drive.
E.P. Korol'kov, A.V. Ryadnov, T.A. Frolova
The formula derivation for calculating the transversal creep related to contact spots of railway wheels of the wheel pair is given. It is shown that in the modern literature the formula for calculating the transversal creep has no physical justification as the deformation of the contacting materials. Based on the obtained formulas, a mathematical model of wheel pair motion with the nonlinear component is developed.
V.A. Bugreev, A.F. Slutin, E.S. Girina, L.G. Ruchkina
The article presents the process analysis and schematic solutions for electric start systems of internal combustion engines from combined current sources containing molecular energy storage systems. The advantages of using supercapacitors in the internal combustion engine start systems are indicated.
I.V. Chepurchenko, S.V. Korkina, I.Yu. Kroshechkina
The authors consider the issues of structural version and working loads acting on the gondola hatch cover during handling operations with the help of mechanization means. The strength c of the existing and future-proof structure of the hatch cover was calculated.
A.V. Annenkov
Transport plays a basic role in the national economy. The railway and ferry transportations are an integral part of international transport corridors. They connect surface communications in a single transport network. It is the most effective type of combined transportations. The organization of ferry transportations is the extremely labour-intensive task requiring the integrated control at all stages of freight delivery.
E.S. Baskina
The article examines the questions of efficiency enhancement of the Ust-Luga- Baltiysk ferry. First of all, it is the increase in the fleet load based on the competent combination of economic and organizational measures to achieve greater attractiveness of this kind of communication with the Kaliningrad region, the region of special economic status.
E.A. Tereshchenkov, A.A. Shatokhin, G.M. Bilenko, A.V. Burakova, E.A. Popova
To ensure transport safety of the Kaliningrad region, the stable operation of the Ust-Luga - Baltiysk train ferry is necessary. The demand for ferry services largely depends on the tariff policy for rail transportation in Lithuania and Belarus, which is advisable to take into account in the tariff policy of JSC "RZD".
V.A. Kobzev, N.O. Berestok
In the article, the evolution of forms and methods of train operation safety control on the Russian railways was considered, and the proposals were made to improve the management efficiency of the safety system.
S.Ya. Lutsky, A.Ya. Landsman, V.A. Zabolotny
The article substantiates the technological regulation necessity of increasing processes of bearing capacity of railway bed weak bases. The ways of implementation of intensive technology for the technological and economic effect are shown.
R.V. Shilovskaya, Z.A. Fomina
The traction network operation simulation algorithm has been developed by dividing the traction network into simple abstract schemes - aggregates. In this case, the calculated section of traction network along the whole length is divided into cells. This principle of the traction network simulation is a significant advantage both when writing and debugging programs and when using them in operation to solve problems.
V.E. Nutovich
A description of the risk assessment technique for the dangerous cargo transportation on the JSC "RZD" infrastructure is given. The author describes the current types of risks, the approach to identifying the risk sources, calculating their impact and level of risks, as well as the procedure for monitoring and predictive analysis.
V.A. Aksyonov, A.M. Zavyalov, V.E. Burak, E.A. Sorokina
The authors consider the influence problem of the chemical factor on the occupational morbidity of transport workers.
O.S. Lokteva, V.A. Kochnev, D.A. Loktev
This study develops an approach based on public-private partnership and allows to solve the problems of labour safety in transport enterprises. The authors consider the example of determining the worker fatigue signs using the proposed mathematical support for processing images obtained with a smartphone.
V.I. Medvedev, P.G. Strykov, A.A. Basalaeva
The article is devoted to the labour safety improving and the injury risk-reducing of contact network electricians during scheduled works on maintenance and repair of railway transport infrastructure facilities. The technique basis is developed, and the head of the department can regulate the operation conditions and performers depending on the received risk values.
V.S. Kosyakin, Z.P. Oshchepkov, A.M. Zavyalov
The authors proposed a model for the formation of processes occurring in accidents using Petri nets and theoretical foundations of the Reason's model to ensure a comprehensive analysis of the accident causes, to identify existing patterns and prerequisites for the occurrence of occupational injuries. The succession of active and latent failures contributing to the occurrence of an industrial accident has been identified.