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2015 ¹4 | |
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AbstractsO.S. Yudaeva, E.A. Ovanesova
Environmental and sanitary aspects of the battery maintenance process during the preparation of the passenger rolling stock for the rail run and its repair are considered. The results of sanitary and chemical researches carried out in the car shed are presented. The main organizational measures directed on decrease in negative influence of a chemical factor at battery maintenance are described.
V.A. Aksyonov, A.M. Zavyalov, L.A. Astashkina
The structure and the analysis of the accident causes occurred with track adjusters for the ten-year period on the example of the Privolzhsk Directorate of track repair are presented. The ways of occupational traumatism decrease of workers on the basis of carrying out professional selection with use of psychological testing are considered and offered.
L.A. German, E.V. Novikov
The use experience of smart terminals digital protection and automation on the feeders of the alternating current contact system ("ÖÇÀ-27,5-ÔÊÑ" and "ÈíÒåð") increasing the efficiency of power supply automation of traction network is considered.
L.V. Pankratov
The technique of creation of the symmetric polynomial control laws making the transfer of the automatic control system in the specified functioning mode in the conditions of smooth impact on regulation object is presented. The comparative analysis of polynomial laws of the first, third, fifth and seventh orders is carried out.
M.A. Gordeev, S.V. Bespal'ko, K.A. Sergeev
The accident collision of the passenger train is considered. The mathematical model of a crashworthy component of a body in the system of energy absorption devices of the head car of the passenger train is developed. It can be used when modeling the oscillations at accident collisions of electric trains and at designing of the passive protection systems.
A.V. Lyudagovsky, A.A. Loktev, A.S. Kosmodamiansky, M.A. Polyakova
The reliability assessment of resilient self-centered gear wheels with prismatic resilient members is given. The research results of operational functionality of components of resilient gear wheels are analysed. On the basis of the received results the ways of decrease in deterioration of the contact surfaces of resilient wheels are offered.
Kh.T. Turanov, A.A. Gordienko
The car movement on a section of the first brake position of a hump with slowdown at head wind influence is investigated. The calculation of the speed and traveled distance of the car at its movement with slowdown on the considered hump section is executed on the basis of known quantity of brake action time. It is revealed that the impact of wind from side face of the car effects on the car movement on this hump section.
Yu.V. Storcheus, O.V. Voronov
The fundamentals of quasi-stationary mathematical model are presented. The offered model expands the idea of the mechanism of real power exchange processes of a in flowing elements of cascade transformers of energy and allows to characterize the compressor operation for various combinations of its design parameters.
P.A. Kozlov, K.A. Chernyshev
Approaches to computer model construction simulating the selected object operation during the implementation of the dispatching decision are stated. For traffic operators of different level the controlled objects will be various: polygon, section, station. It is recommended to carry out the modeling by means of the detailed modeling system ISTRA and the macromodeling system IMETRA.
S.A. Shapshal, A.A. Demyanov
Questions of safety on the end track sections of lift-and-carry units and rolling stock are considered. The construction of a track buffer stop realizing servo effect in the brake system is offered. This effect is carried out due to use of wedge-bar mechanisms which elements have two working surfaces in combination with system of the springs having different load-bearing characteristics and the working stroke.
L.V. Shkurina, E.A. Maskaeva, E.N. Sertakova
The questions of formation, analysis and effective management of economical and technological potential for ensuring competitive advantages of railway transport in the suburban transportation of passengers are examined.
S.N. Beryakov
This article is devoted to social and economic efficiency assessment of the complex investment project of railway transport. The efficiency assessment phases of the infrastructure project are considered, the table forms visually reflecting investment outlay, receipts and current expenses, cash flows and also commercial and budgetary project efficiency are presented.
G. Gonzalez Luchinin
Key questions of economic efficiency assessment of the public-private partnership projects at the organization of high-speed railway traffic are considered. Approaches to the form choice of the public-private partnership are offered. Questions of assessment indicator modeling of the budgetary, social and economic efficiency, and also questions of economic consequence assessment of transfer of infrastructure assets to property to the participant of public-private partnership are taken up.
N.A. Logunova, S.G. Chyorny
Functioning of the tourist market as a complex system with the distributed control is considered, and the existence of the coordinated set of purposeful impacts on its separate elements which collectively lead to a system common goal during the periods of its possible development under certain assumptions is proved.
V.R. Goppe
The comparison of the European design procedure of underground transport structures and the design technique of the Moscow Metro lines is carried out. Basic distinctions in design approaches are marked out. The recommendations on the basis of the European experience of designing, the non-state expert examination of design phases, the typification of the geological environment and the assessment of environmental impact are given.
S.D. Algazin
The article is devoted to studying of opportunities of mathematical support of the problem solution of dynamic loading of structures of transport constructions, boundary-value problems of deformation and the solution of the functional equations.