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2015 ¦3 | |
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AbstractsR.A. Kuz'minsky, Yu.N. Pavlov
On the basis of the analysis of consequences of emergency situations and failure of centralized water supply systems the technique of the water consumption rationing and the cubing of the demanded water volumes in the emergency conditions, including for settlements and railway transport objects is offered.
V.A. Aksyonov, O.S. Samoshkin, O.S. Yudaeva, E.A. Ovanesova
The activities for the organization of the most comfortable travel conditions for disabled passengers in national and international railway services are considered. The questions of adaptation of rolling stock, the organization of ticketing for this category of citizens, and also the main approaches to the service organization in trains are taken up.
K.A. Sergeev, N.S. Gavrilov, I.N. Rusnak
The question of need of application of the International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS) is considered. RAMS indicators directed on the increase the reliability and quality of a rolling stock are given.
M.Yu. Sokolov
The analysis of some theoretical and practical aspects of realization of public-private partnership projects in the transport sector in Russia is presented in the article, the most successful and applied its form in this sphere being the concession (the research subject of this article). Legislative basics of the concession and key success factors of its realization on the basis of Russian and international experience of public-private partnership are covered.
V.I. Apattsev
The questions of sustainability management of a transport company are considered, an economic aspect of a strategic objective high-lighting as a key aspect. The example of the simplified problem solution of determining of the optimum traffic schedule of a transport company is given.
N.M. Bolshakov, L.E. Yeremeeva
The relationship between the development of traffic and the integrated transport accessibility is analysed. The substantiation for balanced development planning of a transport complex of the territory is given.
I.S. Abdullaev
Problems in passenger station operation are considered, in the first place they connecting with the city population upsurge and organisation of the transportation companies. The solution algorithm of these problems directed on the definition of a "bottleneck" of a passenger station (arrival and departure tracks, the mouth or technical parks) and its development is offered. The assessment of technological efficiency of introduction of actions for intensification of a traffic capacity of a "bottleneck" is made analytically.
S.Yu. Yeliseev, S.G. Volkova
The irrational placement of freight terminals in the transport complex of the country increases the route time of freight to destination stations, raises the cost of their transportation and reduces the safety level. The new principles of optimum placement of freight terminals only in places of necessary technological processing of freight traffic are offered.
A.S. Gershval'd
The mathematical problem definition "Distribution of trailer cars in not full-compound trains" for the decision in the on-line operation is offered. The heuristic algorithm optimizing the distribution process by criterion of the minimum expenses of car-hours of the through trains with processing is developed. The task is intended for the station level.
R.R. Akhmedov
In the article the comparative measures are given, and the term calculation of the turnover of cars of transshipment complexes of JSC "Russian Rosterminalugol" and JSC "Multipurpose Reloading Complex" is given. They open up new possibilities for new transport corridors and show effective use of railway infrastructure of the port.
Kh.T. Turanov, A.A. Gordienko
The new method of calculation of time and speed of rolling the car on the second high-speed section is stated. The technique allowed to evaluate the time of rolling a car at the end of the considered hump section. Graphic dependences of time on the travel, speed and time of rolling a car on a hump gradient are constructed.
A.A. Loktev, V.V. Kramchaninov
The article is devoted to mathematical modeling of stages of life-cycle of a complex of the track machinery connected with diagnostics and track repair. Due to the increase of speeds of movement of vehicles and their loading capacity on the domestic railways, the problem of monitoring, repair and modernization of a track in very busy schedule of the movement comes out on top in questions of track maintenance.
Yu.N. Pavlov, R.A. Kuz'minsky
On the basis of the analysis of work of the filtering water intakes for a water intake from a surface source recommendations for improving of their designs for application in water supply systems are made.
V.V. Bugreev
The technique of an assessment of introduction of quality management system in the construction sector is offered. It promotes the improvement of processes of production and increases the production quality. The assessment of possible dual system of training is given and preliminary expenses are revealed.
B.N. Minaev, A.V. Kostin
The design of the ring heat exchanger with wire fins of water collectors from the air allowing to compact the heat exchange device, to reduce hydraulic resistance through water in comparison with tubular heat exchangers, to increase reliability of a design of the cooling system in general is considered. The possibility of application of the offered heat exchanger design as a charge air cooler in the combined internal combustion engines is shown.
A.M. Zavyalov, Yu.V. Zavyalova, I.N. Sinyakina
The practical approaches directed on effectiveness increase, quality and reliability of technological processes on a railway transport are presented.
V.A. Kuchumov, R.V. Murzin, Ya.B. Kudryavtsev, N.B. Nikiforova, N.S. Okhotnikov
The approach to the analysis and forecasting of costs of the electric power for traction of trains based on methods of the fuzzy-set theory is offered. Tasks of determination of dependence of a specific consumption of the electric power by electric locomotives of VL10 and VL11 for traction of trains from two fuzzy variables (the mass of the train and the period of year with use of a FuzzyLogicToolbox package of MATLAB) are considered.