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2014 ¹1 | |
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AbstractsV.I. Apattsev, G.M. Bilenko, A.M. Orlov
To assess the influence of realization of the actual graph of train operation on an indicator of the service speed the influencing technical and production technology factors of risk of the first and second levels are considered and classified. For this purpose it is offered to introduce the variable parameter A determined by the multiple regression analysis. The modeling technique of its assessment is developed.
V.A. Kobzev, S.N. Shmal'
The new method of calculation of parameters of the longitudinal profile of designed and operated humps of the railway technical stations is proposed. It allows in the best way to consider interrelation of parameters of the hump with conditions of the splitting up of trains, to provide the highest speed of the rolling down and the best conditions of the sawing of cuts.
O. Yu. Portnova
The succession of risk analysis of providing the industrial enterprises with a loaded and empty rolling stock is given. The influence level of risks of "oversaturation /undersaturation" on the process of providing the industrial enterprises with a rolling stock is calculated. The functional model of the origination of "undersaturation/oversaturation" risks is developed. Various actions fixing the moments of the origination of risks of "undersaturation/oversaturation" and directed on decrease and minimization of cases of origination of these risks in the process of providing the industrial enterprises with a rolling stock are considered.
A.M. Ol'shansky, M.G. Lysikov, G.M. Bilenko
The demand for the development of an automated train dispatching system on high-speed main lines and the problems connected with the task solution are proved. Various control algorithms of operation of railway lines, and the shortcomings of a traditional approach are considered. In the market conditions the polysystem algorithmic diagram providing the variety of control of railway line operation is offered.
K.N. Solomonov, N.V. Stoyanova
The classification of the details applied in transport systems (for which the offered methodology of modeling of their forming is suitable) is given. Some methods of modeling of processes and the objects suitable for the solution of technological and design problems of production of preparations of the details used in transport systems are presented.
P.A. Kozlov
System researches generated the grate volume of publications, but proved to be not efficient in science since the notion "system" was indistinct and included too wide class of objects. The new concept of a system, as an object with self-maintenance is introduced. It is shown that such approach is more useful to the effective organization of transport junctions.
V.V. Knyaz'kov
Special issues of design of icebreaking hovercrafts are considered. The priority approach is used. The main priority is given to the minimum principle of power inputs on execution of icebreaking operations that corresponds to a minimum of the required power. The received charts allow to determine all general characteristics of such vessels.
Z.V. Abuseridze
The criterion of quality of switching of DC machines with the magnetoelectric system of energizing without interpoles is specified. On the basis of the experimental data obtained on model samples the design of the electric motor of the switch driving gear with magnetoelectric system of energizing from high-coercive permanent magnets made of ferrite-barium alloys is offered.
E.D. Pserovskaya
The conclusion about the imperfection of the existing method of calculation of fastening of freights is made on the basis of previously carried out analytical researches of the author. The results of an assessment of the actual impact loads acting on freight and the change of efforts in its fastening at shunting impacts of cars are given. The regularities in the behavior of the bracing wire depending on its topology, speed of impacts, preliminary tension are defined.
V.A. Karpychev, A.A. Moshkov, V.A. Yudin
The question is studied and the qualitative assessment of wheel pair mobility influence on the disk brake unit work is done. The conclusions of the nature of mobility influence are made, and the measures for elimination of the negative effects from the mobility influence on the disk brake unit work are planned.
M. Babel, A. Tuletski
The design description and parameters of the modernized shunting diesel locomotive SM42 is submitted. The modernization volume of mechanical, pneumatic and electric systems of the locomotive is specified. The most important results of operational tests of the modernized diesel locomotive SM42 are given.
A.V. Gorelik, N.A. Taradin, A.S. Veselova
For the task solution of an integrated assessment and the analysis of reliability and functioning efficiency of transport infrastructure objects the models and the methods based on the random impulse stream theory are offered. Their application will allow in the framework the unified model to describe the interrelation of the diverse random processes directly influencing on the functioning efficiency of systems and objects of transport infrastructure.
V.I. Apattsev, V.A. Aksyonov, D.L. Raenok, A.M. Zavyalov
Continuous improvement of system of personnel training is one of key formats of steady operation of railway transport. The questions of training and retraining of heads and the specialists ensuring the production safety are considered. The new directions and profiles of training on the basis of modern educational technologies are offered.
O.S. Yudaeva, O.G. Egorova, S.V. Demidov
The ecologic-hygienic assessment of acid and alkaline storage batteries of passenger cars is carried out. The recommendations for influence reducing of heavy metals on environment and human health are made.
V.V. Bugreev
The results of the survey analysis initiated by one of active public organizations are presented. The issues connected with a type of responsibility of SRO, the situation on a compensation fund and other issues of interest to market participants are considered. The SRO representatives and their members were the source of information. The real results of cooperation of public organizations and SRO were shown.