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2013 ¹3 | |
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AbstractsD.L. Raenok
The concept of economic and mathematical model for solving the problem of formation of a repair and track complex of JSC "RZD" for rational placement of production bases of the track laying machine station is offered.
L.A. Osipov
The method of rather faithful representation of integral of Gauss by the exponential function is offered.
A.V. Gorelik, V.V. Shuvayev, D.E. Minakov
When passing the wheel and axle set of rolling stock on the switch, the size of lateral pressure of a wheel on the rail head reaches the value of Q=950 kH. The authors give the results of research and form the standards for the maintenance of a track, a rolling stock and traffic speed taking into account the physical processes in a contact zone of a wheel and a rail.
I.I. Petrova, A.A. Lobov, M.Yu. Malakhov, N.M. Lyogky
The possibility of application of satellite radio navigation systems in monitoring systems of pavement condition is analyzed. The use of such systems will allow to construct the dynamic system of collection of a payment for the damage to public roads by transport means.
L.V. Pankratov
The digital realization of integrator function of the first-order of adaptive automatic control system is considered. Recurrent relations for calculations of values of a quantity of output level according to the indications of the input made on the differential and integrated equations of a level are presented.
M.A. Zotova
The technique of receipt of simple regression equations connecting the mainframe performance (an independent variable) and its cost (a dependent variable) is considered. Accuracy of approximation of the experimental data given in the Internet, the received regression equations of the 2, 3 and 4 orders, is acceptable for carrying out various engineering calculations.
L.A. Baranov, P.F. Bestemyanov, V.G. Sidorenko, E.G. Shcherbina
The solved problem is the ensuring of electromagnetic compatibility of an electric rolling stock and safety systems of train operation on the underground railway. The control method of change of electromagnetic compatibility conditions on the basis of an estimation of statistical characteristics of an electromagnetic situation in places of operation of trackside devices of rail chains is offered.
S.N. Naumenko, E.V. Drabkina
The method of ensuring metrological compatibility of system: fuel and distributing column - an on-board subsystem is presented. This system will allow to organize the effective assessment of oil products in operating fuel warehouses having provided at any moment possibility of carrying out the remote inventory and to exclude completely an assumption of an excess underfilling of oil products at the equipment of locomotives.
V.I. Apattsev
Problems of quality estimation of technological processes of railway station operation and the requirements to the projects of railway stations are considered. Using the system approach to object of research, the railway stations are considered from the organization theory of production. The definition of quality of technological process of railway station operation is given. The system of organizational and production indicators for a quality estimation of technological processes of stations is offered.
Kh.T. Turanov, E.D. Pserovskaya
On the basis of previously received analytic formulas the freight shift along the car is calculated, and the lengthening in each fastening element of freight is determined. According to the lengthening size in each fastening element the efforts are found with a large safety factor. The graphic dependences of the shift of freight along the car, the lengthening and efforts on each flexible element of fastening at a variation of the longitudinal dynamic factor of the car are constructed.
K.A. Sergeev, M.P. Kozlov, V.A. Koturanov
The simplified technique of finding of required rigidity of resilient members of cushioning devices of various types and designs is stated. Dependences for determination the force and the allowable velocity of impact are given.
M. Babel, G. Zhepeevsky
The design, structural configuration of electric system and the characteristics of devices of the accumulator drive installed on a shunting diesel locomotive SM42 are presented. Results of calculations of train resistance and traction characteristics of a diesel locomotive during the operation of the accumulator drive for different variants of connection of traction electric motors are set. Results of operational tests of this diesel locomotive are specified.
A.G. Kazantsev, V.S. Dubrovin, A.A. Silaev, K.A. Soin, A.V. Ovchinnikov
The numerical analysis data of the tension of wheel set axles at the action of operational loads are submitted. Methods of a schematization of tension are considered. The technique of durability assessment of axles at cyclic loading taking into account the velocity of growth of defects is described. Estimated characteristics of metal of axles established according to test data of tension, impact bending, static and cyclic crack growth resistance are provided.
D.G. Evseev
The stages of reforming of repair production, the specificity of the existing structure of a repair complex, the ways of increase of repair efficiency of a rolling stock on the basis of life cycle control of locomotives in the course of their service are considered.
A.V. Alekseev
The analysis of structure of modern warehouses of bulk cargo is made. The place and role of filling devices in technology and the organization of transport production are studied.
A.I. Evsikova
It is devoted to problems of aviation safety in the airport. The main signs of potentially dangerous passengers, their classification, and also the methods of identification of dangerous passengers in the airports for protection of activity of civil aviation against the acts of unlawful interference are considered.
V.A. Aksyonov, P.N. Potapov, A.M. Zavyalov, Yu.V. Zavyalova
The problem of increase of informational value of analysis results of traumatic cases for the analysis purposes and an assessment of the occupational risks is considered. The solution of this problem is provided with introduction of the technology of the registration and the analysis of microtraumas on the production.