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2012 ¹3 | |
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AbstractsKh.T. Turanov, N. P. Chuyev The results of numerical modelling of the car movement in places for non-general use are stated. The differential model describes the movement of cars in places for non-general use. The fhase trajectories of empty cars arriving on one of sites of the enterprise and loaded cars sent of other site are widely presented. The rational values of system parameters are found with the method of selection. P.A. Minakov The technique of calculations of functioning parameters of systems of the marshalling station is stated. This technique is based on the use of the differential equations of the first order. Functions of intensity of train stream service, numerical methods of the solution of the differential equations are stated. They allow to receive the prototypic function of train stream change in time in various service systems in the marshalling station. L.A. Osipov One of elementary methods of Fermat's theorem proving which didn't meet to the author of this article is offered. Yu.I. Efimenko, M.V. Chetchuyev The principle of determination of the rational stage of development of necks of railway stations at strong growth of the traffic range is stated. E.P. Korol'kov, Yu.I. Golechkov The impact analysis of railway gauge on conditions of interaction of a wheel flange with a rail at movement of railway crew in a rail track of 1524 mm and 1520 mm is given. It is shown that the unification of a rail track has a negative impact on wear of wheel flanges and lateral surfaces of rails, leads to increase in resistance to movement. E.A.Ovchinnikova The impact of urban agglomerations on the formation of the transport system is shown. The progress trends of urban transport system taking into account foreign practices are stated. A.M. Belozersky The application of block module structures at residential and industrial building construction is considered. A.V. Alekseev The analysis of movement of bulk cargo flow on gravitational transporters taking into account air resistance on an example of outlet pipes is carried out. Simple analytical dependences for kinematic characterization of movement of bulk cargo flow and rational design characterization of outlet pipes are received. S.V. Kopachev The questions of technological preparation of repair production are examined. The results of mathematical model construction of labor input of technological preparation of repair production from influence of a skill level of the engineering personnel, its level of automation and completeness of constructional and technological documentation are set out. Graphic models which allow to predict labor input of technological preparation of repair production are given. The working results can be recommended for selecting of the scenario of technical re-equipment of production at the capital repair services of the rolling stock. V.P. Feoktistov, S.S. Borisenkov Characteristics of electric rolling stock in high-speed passenger traffic are considered. The great value is given to elaboration of power inputs on passing of sections with constant speed in steady-state conditions. The received traction and power nomograms can be used in practice of rate setting of power consumption for train traction on draft of trains in the locomotive maintenance operational depots. V.V. Doyenin, K.E. Molchanov The problem of organization document management by means of methods of intellectual support of decision-making is considered. Preconditions of formation of tools which could allow heads and persons making managerial decisions to create computer models for the analysis and management of processes of documents circulation are considered. I.A. Zhuravlyov The simulation methods of average time for restoration of devices of railway automatics and telemechanics are presented. The process flow in carrying out the emergency-restoration work corresponding to laws of time distribution of its implementation is offered. V.A. Aksyonov, A.M. Zavyalov, N.M. Iosifova The main objective of modernization of a control system of labor protection which is a transition to a modern control system of professional risks is considered. It allows to reduce total amount of traumatic cases at the expense of more effective and target planning of correcting actions. S.A. Dontsov, E.Yu. Narusova Procedure of supervision over actions of a worker during the trauma dangerous moments of time is offered. The main psychological causes of infringement of labor safety rules are analysed. The experimental studying of speed of a of forgetting of information on safe methods and personnel working methods is carried out. The practical recommendations on efficiency increase of memorizing are developed. L.V. Dyaguileva The phenomenon of a language game as a factor of development of a corporate discourse and increase of language culture with reference to railway corporate communication is considered. The importance of creation of a special communicative space, a team of railway employees equal on language competence is based. |