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2008 ¹3 | |
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AbstractsV.M. Ponomarev, A.I. Shevchenko, B.N. Rakhmanov There is a short analysis of problem questions and the destabilising factors negatively influencing stability of transportation process shown in this article. Research algorithms of the transportation process stability management are given. The mathematical model is developed for accounting stability degree in transportation process in different parts of railways in emergency situations. A.I. Besedin The estimation of losses of existing carrying capacity on various railway lines as a result of using warming action on train speed limit is considered in this work. Calculated formulas are offered at various schemes of cargo trains movement on the lines having speed movement limits. V.D. Katin, A.I. Andreev Radiological consequences after underground nuclear explosions for population of the Far East region including railway workers are considered/ It is noticed that at the analysis of radiation conditions in the region after underground nuclear explosions in it, it is necessary to take into consideration the long period of relaxation, because postshocking consequences can create a mode of pulsation compression that gives an increasing effective share of radiation for railway workers in basements and on the ground floors of buildings. H.T. Turanov, E.N. Timukhina, A.L. Rykov The traffic safety estimation is given in the article by results of analytical and numeral researches at displacement of the weight cargo center across a car, taking into account admissible coefficient of vertical dynamics (k¤<0,6). V.I. Kupaev, S.V. Rasskasov The article, based on the characteristic noxiousness manufacturing facilities and meteorological conditions, especially construction and installation of ventilation equipment, considered the foundation for the control of the ventilation equipment in its manufacturing operation. Sets out the procedure of testing and commissioning of ventilation systems, especially the performance of complex procedural work. The basic factors of normal electric ventilation equipment. Y.V. Sushkov, V.L. Danilov The method of final elements gives a solution in the interaction of a seismic explosive wave with a ditch and underground structure in laminated non-uniform elastic sticky geometrically nonlinear soil. Accounts established the sufficient effect of seasonal changes in physical and mechanical characteristics of soil on structure durability at seismic explosive impact. S.V. Aleksikov Dependence of project capacity in road objects and their constructive, organizational and technological basis is considered. Structural scheme of interaction between constructive, organizational and technological basis is given at design creation of project capacity in transport construction, the data of energy consumption in transport construction, the recommendation for decreasing project capacity when creating constructive, organizational and technological decisions. V.I. Mineev The problem of impartial estimation of transport means conditions has an actual importance for the analysis of an economic condition of transport enterprises for provement of transport means renovation. New method of estimation of main transport funds and limits of the minimum sizes of renovation and tear and wear indicators are given in the article. A.S. Kosmodamiansky, V.I. Vorobiov, A.A. Pugachev The paper is investigating the issues of development of the rolling stock automatic identification system (RS AIS), in particular, establishment of the multi-aerial scanning centre leading to not only identification of a particular rolling stock vehicle but also to controlling over the critical units and transported goods. S.N. Naumenko The urgency and prospect of refrigerator container trains use are shown. The developed scheme of power supply for refrigerating and heating installations for the large-capacity refrigerator containers put in a train is presented. V.P. Zakariukin, A.V. Kriukov The numeral and analytical analysis of a contact network influence on the level of the maximum harmonics in lines "two wires-a rail" was conducted. It is shown that electric energy quality used by consumers from lines "two wires - a rail" largely depends on a power supply circuit in intersubstational zones. A.A. Macheret On the basis of the analysis of the theory and corporate management practice, the major factors of increasing efficiency of the corporate management are considered. Their consideration are necessary in the condition of business restructuring in railway transportation. A.V. Ryshkov The concept of cargo base of the main railway transportation is formulated, the methodology of its estimation is developed and on the basis of factor analysis the increase reserves in cargo loading on railway transport are estimated. I.V. Voitov The railway transport reforming in the conditions of transition to market relations requires the economic culture increase of specialists in Russian railways. The given article reveals the significance of economic culture, analyses ways, forms and methods of its formation at graduates of educational institutions and also in the course of their practical activities. The significance of the veleran experience and deserved workers of railway transport is underlined. L.S. Savitskaya Security tradings are investments for getting greater income. But investment of capital is always accompanied by commercial risk of economic losses. The ability to evaluate these losses and to some extent to expect possible negative consequences - this is the major problem for experts of organizations. The purpose of the given article is to state consistently the reflexion order of operations under the accounts of financial investments in securities. B.M. Lapidus Methodical approaches to the estimation of economic efficiency of creating "1520 mm space> is offered as the uniform model of railway complex development>. V.G. Mitskevich, D.A. Prihazchikov The article is devoted to application of an asymptotical model for the Stownly wave to a stationary problem about mobile load on board of two elastic semiplanes that allows to simplify essentially a task solution. |