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2007 ¹3

Main subjects

  • Development, exploitation and maintenance of the rolling stock

  • Problems of mechanics in transport

  • Industrial engineering on transport

  • Life safety on transport

  • Modelling of transport processes

  • Issues of automation, information and communication on transport

  • The problem of railway track



K.K. Kim, N.A. Kolosovskaya
On the application of electro-hydroimpulse effect to impact testing of carriages

The paper is concerned with a recent test bench aimed for impact testing of the carriages. The idea relies on the electro-hydroimpulsive effect. The results of numerical simulations reveal the possibility of production of a mechanical effect corresponding to the benchmark data, namely mechanical impulse in the interval between 52.2 and 313.3 kN·s with the interaction force not exceeding 3.5MN and pulse duration in the range of 0.01-0.09 s; the stated values are in agreement with that of environmental tests.

A.R. Bakirov
On optimal control of the electric transport rolling-stock power drive

The paper contains investigation of the theory and application of optimization methods to operating practices of a power drive of the ground transport rolling-stock. The energy demand is chosen as a criterion of minimization. Some fundamental results of theoretical and experimental analysis are presented.

K.A. Sergeev, V.V. Gotaulin, O.Yu. Krivich
On the parametric analysis of the car repair technology

The paper is devoted to the improvement of the technology of car sheds. Solutions of theoretical problems of parametric analysis of the technology of car-repair industry are presented.

A.D. Zvyagin, I.A. Volkov
Systems of technical vibro-diagnostics for basic units of the rolling stock

The paper is concerned with the problem of early stage revelation of mechanical defects in basic units of the rolling stock. Several systems of technical vibration-based diagnostics oriented for the railway objects are considered. Application of Gaussian and Weibull distribution functions for threshold values of the diagnostics parameters calculation is investigated. Finally, some model examples illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed systems meant for providing safety on the railway transport are presented.

N.A. Ryabkov
The problems of regulation of spare capacity for maintenance of the rolling-stock

The paper is concerned with a vital problem of regulation of spare capacity for maintenance of the rolling-stock. It is remarked that the problem of quality planning of needs has a close relation with the regulation of spare capacity. The state of affairs, the problem statement and the necessary arrangements for solution of the problem are given in the paper.

S.V. Doronin
On stability of the undisturbed motion of a locomotive bogie in a narrow curve

The paper is analyzing stability of the undisturbed motion of a two-sectional locomotive with two four-wheel bogies in a section in a narrow curve. The stability is considered within the framework of the Raus-Gurvits criterion. The results of the analysis reveal stability of the undisturbed motion of the locomotive bogie.

V.P. Chervinsky
On stability of transverse motion of a wheel subject to increasing tread defects

A stability problem for motion of a tread in the horizontal plane with nonholonomic constraints and additional vertical forces caused by the increasing defects of tread is considered. From the conditions ensuring stability some restrictions on the typical dimension of the defect of the form of “slider” are deduced, providing stable motion with no velocity limitation.

G.V. Rusetskaya
On the equation of a subsystem “fluid - rotor” derived by analytical mechanics methods as part of the rotary pump mathematical model

A mathematical model of a rotary pump is developed in the paper. The urgency and importance of the mathematical model construction is established. The model leads to progress in investigation of general hydrodynamic processes in the pump and in hydraulics system in general. The rotor equation is derived by the methods of analytical mechanics as part of its mathematical model. Finally, the structure of the equation of motion for the rotor is presented. Industrial engineering on transport

N.A. Shchedrin, A.N. Feofilov, R.R. Shcherbakov
On the optimization control of the Moscow Railway locomotive and locomotive crew turn-over of the junction Vekovka of Gorkovskaya Railway

In the paper a new method of predicting control of the locomotive and locomotive crew turn-over of the junction Vekovka is presented. The statement and mathematical formulation of the problem of attachment of locomotives and crews to trains are given along with the algorithm of solution and description of corresponding actions of the locomotive dispatcher.

E.D. Chernov, P.G. Strykov
On the methods of development of a highly reliable security system for automatic shunting on the railway hump yard

The paper is devoted to application of the methods of development of security systems with given reliability parameters to one of the vital problems of the railways, namely, ensuring stable and safe operation of a freight terminal. The analysis of factors effecting stability and safety of the hump yard operation is carried out, and the factors are classified as technical, technological and external. A corresponding security system is developed along with its mathematical model, and the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the model are presented.

M.A. Sahnenko
On the relation between the safety factor and operation life of a waterfront structure and its reliability probability

The paper is concerned with an estimation and analysis of the safety factor as a figure of solidity and durability of a waterfront structure and its relation with the operation life. The expressions for corrosive wear of the waterfront structure are obtained along with that for the time-dependent safety factor. The results of the analysis of the relation between the safety factor and the reliability probability are presented. The proposed method may be applied to reliability calculations for building structures. Life safety on transport

I.I. Kosinova, N.R. Kustova
On the influence of transport emission on public health in urban agglomeration

A comparative analysis of the child morbidity in Voronezh city is investigated in the paper. The performed analysis revealed that morbidity structure depends significantly on the regional factor. The correlation dependencies of child morbidity for several classes of illnesses and pollution of snow cover. Some stable areas of increased risk corresponding to roads interchange and railway junctions are also revealed.

N.S. Otdelkin, A.S. Slyusarev, S.N. Sikarev
On dust control during vessel unloading by means of grab buckets and bunker loaders

The paper is investigating technology of dust control aimed for reduction of the dust deleterious effect on the environment and decrease in dispersion and flue dust escape of loading during its unloading by means of grab buckets and bunker loaders.

V.S. Naumov, A.E. Plastinin
On the informational aspects of the functional subsystem of arrangements for prevention and elimination of oil spills in water courses

A novel structure of the informational part of the functional subsystem of arrangements for prevention and elimination of oil spills in water courses is proposed in the paper. A solution for the problem of prediction of outflows is presented. Modelling of transport processes

V.M. Ivanov, I.K. Kuz’michev
On continuous planning of the transportation process as a new resource for optimization control of fleet operation

The issues of development and application of the problem of continuous planning of the transportation process with reference to water transport. The role and place of the problem and the corresponding issues providing successful application of continuous planning to practical operation of shipping companies are discussed. Issues of automation, information and communication on transport

A.V. Gorelik, A.G. Sundukov
On reliability evaluation of railway automatics systems by motion parameters

The paper is investigating the problem of reliability evaluation of systems of train operation control depending on the working load. A mathematical model is proposed, and the results of statistical estimation of the working load of outdoor devices of railway automatics. The problem of railway track

V.P. Sychev
On methods of rail track state estimation by random processes characteristics

In the paper an idea of considering the data supplied by the track measurement car as a random process is proposed. The deviation from regulations providing safe track maintenance is hence regarded as the bursts of the process. The algorithm of application of the theory of runs and intersection theory for random processes to evaluation of the track section state is presented and the theory of time series application to development of the prediction models for integral estimation of the track section is discussed.

A.A. Pevzner
A vibration seismic source for geological engineering surveys

The paper contains results of the research of a vibration seismic source based on electrodynamic converter of back-and-forth motion. The mathematical description of the chosen three-mass source model is presented. The analysis of the effect of the basic source parameters on the general characteristic features is carried out. Finally, some guidelines for selecting source parameters and operation modes are given.