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2006 ¹1 | |
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AbstractsEliseev S.Yu. The transport space including transport polygons elements of which can be incorporated into alternative projects is considered. The qualitative analysis of the transport market, the quantitative estimation of regulated processes from the point of view of the time expenses necessary for transportation and the financial expenses providing full and qualitative performance of necessary processes is made. Shutyuk S.Yu. The economic-mathematical model of interaction processes of joint-stock company «RZD» with regional administrative and managerial structures is considered. The sandwich-model as a basis of economic interaction modelling is presented. Ershov A.V. Purposes of creation and principles of construction of the situational centre on the Moscow underground are stated; illustration of problems solving with it, in particular, the development of strategic decisions on controlling the movement of trains and also results of development of program and hardware maintenance are submitted. Kaziev G.D., Gorelik A.V., Ebel Yu.I. The questions connected with a safety of systems and devices of railway automation and telemechanics within the framework of the current legislation in the field of management, application and execution of obligatory requirements to production are considered. Principles of technical regulation in relation to systems of systems of railway automation and telemechanics are offered. Shevchenko A.I. The analysis of the fire safety condition on objects of the infrastructure of joint-stock company «Russian Railways» in 2004-2005 is given. Measures of increase of fire safety on the railway transport are submitted according to Uniform state system of prevention and liquidation of extreme situations. Ivanov V.K. The control system of quality management of workplace certification on working conditions with the use of the statistical information on results of estimation of working conditions is submitted. Methods of statistical analysis at an estimation of working conditions at workplaces at the enterprise are stated. Pritsepova S.A., Moskvichev A.V. Efficiency of a mark estimation use of results of workplace certification on working conditions on an example of separate structural divisions of the South-East railway is considered. The field of application of mark estimation is determined. Sidorov Yu.P., Trofimova E.V. The paper is concerned with definition of required capacity of a heating system in the cabin of the controller of swiveling bolster lines in the railway station, necessary for maintenance the constant temperature inside the cabin of controller at different temperatures of external air in winter period and different factors of a heat transfer of protecting designs in the controller cabin. Gordeev I.P. Results of theoretical and experimental researches in isolation reliability of locomotive traction power circuits are stated. The mathematical model connecting the temperature of insulating designs of anchors of traction motors and reliability of locomotive power circuits in operation is offered. Vasil'ev G.P. The brief review of a modern condition in the field of a use problem of low-potential thermal energy of superficial layers of the Earth in geothermal heat-pump systems of heat and cold supply in buildings and constructions is submitted, their advantages to transport infrastructure objects are analysed and the analysis of reasons constraining the introduction of similar systems in Russia is given. Tolstoshein A.V., Romashkova O.N. Operation of data transmission network of joint-stock company «RZD» providing an exchange of the operative and administrative information on railways is considered. Methods of realization of statistical experiment with gathering the information on traffic of data transmission network of Oktyabrskaya railway are considered, results of the statistical analysis of traffic are given. |