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2024 ¹2

Main subjects

  • Transport

  • Safety of human activity



V.I. Kiselev, T.O. Vakhromeeva, V.O. Morozov
Improvement of Air Cooling Path Design of Locomotive Traction Motor Units

This article discusses the issues of eliminating defects in existing designs of locomotive traction motors. The authors present technical solutions to improve the reliability of traction engines by developing the cooling system.
Keywords: traction motor, insulation, forced cooling system, ventilation ducts

Zh. Yanev, A.P. Kozlovskiy, E.A. Ovchinnikova, A.U. Shayakhmetov, A.A. Prikhodko
Modelling of Eastern Polygon Section Operation using Modelling of Stations and Sections Program in Train Driving Disturbance Conditions

As a result of the operation analysis of the Eastern Polygon section, an increase in the number of breaks in train schedules for the current track maintenance has been found. The reasons for the decrease in carrying capacity have been identified. The concept of the 'normal' mode of train driving is defined. The modelling was carried out using the Modelling of Stations and Sections Program. The article justifies the application rationality of the Automatic Locomotive Signalling System with Mobile Block Sections.
Keywords: Modelling of Stations and Sections Program, 'normal' mode of train driving

A.S. Shumsky, N.M. Legkiy, G.M. Bilenko, S.P. Shumsky
On the Issue of Creating and Rational Placement of Marshalling Capacities in Railway Junctions for Local Car Traffic Processing

The article examines the features of the making up the local freight trains. The authors have carried out an analytical review of theoretical studies in the field of calculation, design, and application of shunting facilities to intensify the process of making up the local trains. The application of Dijkstra's algorithm is proposed for an alternative choice of location of a specialised marshalling station at the railway junction.
Keywords: local operation, making up a train, marshalling stations, central transport hub

V.Yu. Gorelik, V.I. Apattsev, A.V. Smyslov
Analysis Method of Systems with Parameters Changing According to Complex Law

The article considers the class of systems with variable parameters, which also includes transport systems. An essential factor for the analysis of such nonstationary systems is the law of parameter variation, which reflects the nature, speed, frequency, and amplitude of parameter variation. The authors propose an approach based on the system definition by a linear differential equation with time-dependent variable coefficients.
Keywords: parametric oscillations, nonstationary transport systems, Laplace transform

D.I. Bodrikov, A.A. Tikhonova, I.A. Rybkin, A.S. Kosmodamiansky, V.P. Smirnov
Design Improvement of Traction Electric Motors of Electric Locomotives Operated in Northern Direction of Eastern Polygon

An analysis of the reliability of the traction electric motors of electric locomotives of the Eastern Polygon is given. The reduced reliability of the insulation of the traction electric motors of VL85, 2ES5K, 3ES5K, and 4ES5K electric locomotives was established. It was revealed that the reason for the decrease in failure-free operation of traction electric motors is the transition from parallel ventilation, which provides the necessary heat output from the armature, main and additional poles, and compensation windings to non-parallel. A transition from non-parallel to parallel ventilation is proposed.
Keywords: Eastern Polygon of Russian Railways, electric locomotives, traction electric motors, ventilation imperfection

A.V. Orlov, A.N. Malykh, D.V. Astapenko, N.V. Romanov
Calculation of Reliability Indices of Transport Infrastructure Facilities in Terms of Failure Category Based on Data on Third Category Failures

The article deals with the issue of incidents arising during the operation of railway transport and infrastructure. The incidents that lead to the loss of train-hours are called failures, and they are divided into three categories. The authors proposed a methodology for calculating the reliability indicators for failures of the third category, which makes it possible to assess the quality of the functioning of transport infrastructure facilities.
Keywords: failure, transport infrastructure facilities, reliability, railway automation and telemechanics

E.Kh. Tasang, O.V. Voronov, V.V. Bykadorov, A.S. Klyuev, Yu.V. Livtsov
Application of Universal Magnetic Characteristics for Diesel Locomotive Traction Motors

The authors consider the application of dimensionless and universal magnetic characteristics of diesel locomotive traction motors in the calculation of their traction and economic parameters.
Keywords: traction power transmission, dimensionless and universal magnetic characteristics

K.S. Morenko, S.A. Morenko
Electronic Operation-Time Counter

The operating time service is more advanced than the calendar service. This type of service requires simple and reliable electronic time counters. One of the options for such a simple and informative counter is given in the article. Practical operation has shown the reliability and usability of such time counters.
Keywords: maintenance, counter, electronics, repair, service

M.N. Toropov
Guaranteed Water Quality from Water Intake to Consumer is Environmentally Friendly and Energy Efficient Way for Problem-Solving of Water and Heat Supply in Industry

The author analyses the quality of water from the water intake to the water and heat supply systems, as well as the possibility of reducing the corrosiveness of the liquid medium and the intensity of its scale formation by using crushed activated eco-friendly crystals.
Keywords: secondary pollution, water intake, repair enterprises, rolling stock, corrosiveness of liquid medium, scale formation intensity, fuel and energy resource consumption

P.V. Savchenko, K.V. Menaker, T.V. Ezhikov, P.E. Neugodnikov
Subsystem for Monitoring of Sequential Occupancy and Release of Inductive Loop Sensors in Railway Crossing Occupancy Monitoring System

This article is devoted to the creation and operation description of the subsystem for monitoring the sequential occupation and release of the coverage area of inductive loop sensors by motor transport in case of their unauthorised movement in a railway crossing. This control subsystem allows the timely transmission of relevant information to locomotive crews about approaching trains and reduces the emergency probability.
Keywords: inductive loop sensor, railway crossing, vehicle, rolling stock

K.A. Sergeev, O.I. Mironenko, O.Yu. Krivich, N.O. Mironenko
Resource Prediction Techniques of Components and Parts of Railway Rolling Stock Using Machine Learning. Data Validation and Processing

This article covers an important step in the processing of data from the Calipri-Ferberg CW-40 (CALIPRI), namely verification and preprocessing. This stage critically affects the quality of machine learning, since the accuracy of the data directly affects the analytical and model results. The main stages of data validation and preprocessing are discussed.
Keywords: development of technological processes, repair production, optimisation of transport operations

V.I. Apattsev, I.M. Basyrov
Proposals for Organisational Development of Regular Freight Traffic on Russian Railway Network to Improve Efficiency of Container Transportation

The article discusses a new technology for terminal processing of container traffic. This technology can be used for organising container trains in regional distribution and storage centers. The key problems and the need for scientific justification of new transport equipment (removable car bodies, interchangeable car bodies, and interchangeable motor vehicle bodies) are outlined.
Keywords: container transportation, gantry crane, container processing, container terminal

S.P. Vakulenko, N.Yu. Evreenova
Principal Trends in Improving Suburban Transportation Services for Suburbanised and Non-Urbanised Agglomerations

Nowadays, suburbanised structures are being formed that have various geometric shapes. The article considers measures to attract passenger traffic through zones of ulterior flows. In these areas, special transport systems should be used, guaranteeing, on the one hand, convenience and comfort for passengers, and, on the other, efficient use of resources and reduction of service costs.
Keywords: urban transport, railway transport, suburban transportation, suburban and urban transportation

V.A. Bugreev, R.M. Nigay, A.P. Chekhov, E.V. Novikov
Approach to Monitoring Electric Trains at Entrance to Block Section

The article considers the control method of traffic lights standing at the entrance to the block section of the railway track, which record the moment the train arrives at this block section, if it is electrified. The authors propose a new solution for fixing the moment of arrival of the train on the stage by replacing the rail circuit as a source of information with an electromagnetic sensor located next to the contact wire in the area of the beginning of the block section.
Keywords: central interlocking system, block section of railway track, railway automation

A.V. Sycheva
Reduction of Vibration Accelerations of Sleepers Under Influence of Rolling Stock as Way to Safeguard During Railway Track Operation

The paper proposes a method for increasing the safety of rolling stock interaction due to the reduction of the fundamental tone of oscillation frequencies. The calculation of railway track vibrations at the increased speeds is given.
Keywords: railway track, rolling stock, rails, vibrations, high-frequency component, method, calculation

S.N. Averkin, D.V. Grechushnikova, N.N. Popova
Justification of Application and Modification of Inspection Control and Technical Audit Processes to Create Safe Working Environment for Conductors and Locomotive Crews

The article considers the prerequisites for the application of inspection control and technical audit as tools that ensure the safety of rolling stock for employees who operate and maintain it. The authors have identified directions to improve these tools in the context of science development and the range of materials used.
Keywords: driver, conductor, rolling stock, working environment, inspection control, technical audit

O.A. Vasyukova, M.V. Kapustina, Yu.V. Pimenova
Environmental Safety Issues in Design of Transport Facilities

This article discusses the issues of ensuring environmental safety in the design of transport facilities. Particular attention is paid to the potential pollution of the environment with wastewater and the need for wastewater treatment in railway transport, depending on the source of their formation.
Keywords: environmental safety, transport facilities, waste water, contaminants, storm runoff