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2021 ¹1

Main subjects

  • Transport

  • Computer science and control

  • Safety of human activity



A.V. Kostin, G.M. Stoyakin
Prospects for alternative energy source use to improve indications of air conditioning installations for passenger rolling stock

The article considers the research results of the carriage microclimate system in the cold period of the year, the air conditioner of the carriage climatic installation works in the thermal pump mode for the ventilation air heating. The air removed from the passenger car is used as the low-temperature heat source.
Keywords: ventilation air, microclimate, passenger car, recirculation, thermal pump

V.A. Bugreev, S.A. Morenko, K.S. Morenko
Operation efficiency of dissimilar three-modular wind power installation

The authors compared the operation efficiency of the three-modular system and the mono-modular system in the whole range of wind speeds. The research proved that in certain periods the multi-modular installation had higher efficiency than each of the wind wheels separately.
Keywords: small wind power installation, mono-modular wind power installation, wind power

A.Ya. Butyrkin, E.B. Kulikova, O.N. Madyar
Prediction models of rail and air passenger transportation

The prediction problem of passenger traffic is traditionally relevant for any mode of transport. The authors analyzed the main prediction models of rail and air passenger transportation. The paper summarizes the different approaches and carries out the assessment of the error and the usability conditions of different models.
Keywords: prediction, mathematical modelling, passenger traffic, railway transport

A.A. Shatokhin, G.M. Bilenko, I.V. Simachkova, A.V. Burakova, E.S. Vlasova
Prerequisites and concept of switchover to operational control of unladen freight car traffic in market conditions

The article focuses on the problems of unladen freight car traffic organization from the car receiving for transportation to its completion. The authors propose a new approach of unladen freight car traffic control in cooperation with the rolling stock operators, it reducing the company's costs for the unladen freight car traffic operation and improving the use of rolling stock owned by operator companies.
Keywords: freight cars, operational indicator improvement, demurrage reduction, operator service market

D.G. Evseev, R.S. Seleznev
Universalization of specialized rolling stock on the example of pipe-carrier platforms

The article examines the advantages and disadvantages of using specialized and universal rolling stock, the classification of goods for railway transportation, as well as the rational use of specialized cars on the example of pipe-carrier platforms that increase the economic benefit from their use.
Keywords: universal rolling stock, specialized rolling stock, pipe carriers, platform, pipe-carrier platform

A.V. Lyudagovsky, V.A. Polukhin
Three-dimensional interpretation of thermal field calculation scheme for equivalent plate during overlaying of wheelset axle journal

The authors studied a three-dimensional image of correspondence of the selected decomposition scheme of the specified solid cylinder into the equivalent plate. Temperature fields formed from the action of a moving point heat source on the surface of a given solid cylinder along a helical line of a given pitch and an equivalent plate are calculated depending on the depth of the layer under study.
Keywords: electromagnetic overlaying, temperature, equivalent plate, heat source

I.K. Sergeev, S.V. Bespal'ko
Review of research and software for solving problems of rolling stock dynamics

The article considers the trends in the development of railway car dynamics. The main research schools of this branch of science are described. The paper presents an overview of the software used to solve dynamics problems. The authors summarize the approaches to computer simulation implementation.
Keywords: car dynamics, mathematical modelling, computer simulation, software package

A.F. Slutin, L.G. Ruchkina, V.A. Bugreev
Simulation of driving modes and comparative assessment of fuel-energy efficiency of hybrid electric bus

The article presents the results of numerical simulation of traction and energy modes of hybrid electric bus movement based on the developed mathematical model and software. The authors propose the calculation methods and comparative technical and economic analysis in terms of operating costs for energy carriers and power supply systems for three types of modern ground public transport.
Keywords: hybrid electric bus, battery-electric bus, trolleybus, diesel engine, brake current recovery

I.A. Zhuravlev, E.A. Zhuravleva
Application of intelligent decision support system in organization of company's contractual and claim work

The article proposes an approach to the development of a decision support system (DSS) for the contractual and claim work of the enterprise. The authors present the structure with knowledge research domain particulars and the scheme at the base intelligent data analysis of the DSS of the company's contractual and claim work.
Keywords: decision support system, semantic space of contract descriptors, knowledge model

E.M. Lytkina, S.N. Efimov, V.A. Terskov, K.V. Yarkov
Constraint record method for real-time operating system hardware and software architecture optimization

The article proposes the constraint record method for real-time operating system hardware and software architecture optimization using genetic algorithms. The optimization of hardware and software architecture is carried out taking into account reliability and cost criteria.
Keywords: automated system of operational control of transportation, hardware and software complex

O.S. Lokteva, A.A. Loktev, A.M. Zavyalov, A.V. Semochkin
Analysis of development directions of labour protection control system in transport

The article presents an analysis of the reference promising directions for the development of the labour safety control system in transport, taking into account the introduction of the concept of zero injuries.
Keywords: safe working conditions, zero injuries, accident causes, regression relationship

V.A. Aksyonov, V.E. Burak, E.A. Sorokina
Carbon dioxide in working zone air of transport systems of urban agglomerations

The combined effects of chemicals in the toxic emissions of different modes of transport in agglomerations can be taken into account during the special assessment of working conditions and industrial control by introducing an increasing coefficient into the calculation part of the measurement protocols.
Keywords: carbon dioxide, atmospheric air, working zone air, hygienic rationing, combined effect

V.V. Samoylov, O.S. Sachkova, V.I. Apattsev
Ways to improve the labour conditions of workers involved in bulk cargo transportation

The article focuses on the labour conditions of workers involved in bulk cargo transportation and ways of working condition improvement.
Keywords: loading and unloading, labour protection, bulk cargoes, freight transportation, occupational diseases

O.V. Voronov, V.V. Bykadorov, L.I. Tishchuk, E.I. Ivanova
To the question of application of atmospheric boundary layer models for the calculation of contaminants from various sources

The article presents the analysis of calculation regularities of contaminant dispersion in the atmospheric boundary layer taking into account peculiarities of their spatiotemporal distribution and the physical and mathematical modelling of contaminant diffusion processes of anthropogenic origin.
Keywords: atmospheric boundary layer, metrological (aerological) measurements or metrological forecast

V.P. Sychev, A.V. Sycheva, P.F. Bestemyanov, V.N. Filippov
Assessment of dependence of risks and injury level on periodicity of condition monitoring of railway track

The article analyzes the normative documents of JSC "Russian Railways" for the impact of the railway track monitoring periodicity on the risk assessment and the level of injuries.
Keywords: risks, injuries, control, railway track, track gauge car, deviations from norms

A.I. Shevchenko, V.V. Denisov
Analysis and assessment of fire safety at the facilities of JSC "Russian Railways" at year-end 2019

The article contains the analysis and assessment of fire safety with the risk management techniques at the facilities of JSC "Russian Railways" at year-end 2019.
Keywords: transportation process, fire safety, fire-prevention regime, risks of emergencies

E.A. Trifonova, B.N. Rakhmanov, V.N. Filippov
Working conditions of penitentiary service employees and opportunities for condition improvement

The article analyzes the working conditions of penitentiary service employees, the general description of working conditions and the components of the labour process. To improve the working conditions of penitentiary service employees the authors propose to reduce physical, emotional and mental stress, as well as to limit the effect of harmful factors by developing and implementing a new special passenger car.
Keywords: employees, penitentiary service, harmful factors, working conditions, labour process